Тексты песен - слова песен

Copyright holders


(!) All rights to the words and lyrics, as well as video materials (YouTube) located on the site belong exclusively to their authors and (or) copyright holders!
(!) All materials are provided for informational purposes only and for the promotion of performers!
(!) All posted content was copied from open Internet resources where it was freely available!


Our site is always open for cooperation with performers and copyright holders. If the content of the site infringes your copyright in any way, please notify us via email. mail (E-mail): textuonline@gmail.com
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Documents that confirm your rights to the posted material.
Links to pages on the site that contain material that you believe is infringing copyright.


You will receive a message about the results of the actions taken regarding the alleged violation of exclusive rights. The complaint will be considered within a period not exceeding five working days. According to the current norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the administration is ready to consider controversial issues within the framework of the pre-trial (claim or other) settlement procedure.


Abuse: textuonline@gmail.com