Тексты песен - слова песен

DО1R — Зaxoжу


DО1R — Зaxoжу текст песни


DO1R — Захожу


Захожу в с*ка net
Я закончил дисконект
Эй кто тут выключил свет?
Жига есть, а веса нет
Надо быстро намутить
Без иголки на х*й нить?
На х*й свежсть на х*й всех их
Я готов и есть попить
Бит убитый я убит
За окном п*здатый вид
Дайте дыму молодым и
Патрон станет боевым
Эта пати драг чил гуд
Есть кто курит, есть кто врут
Трупа с мутом несёт пруд
Сильно прёт что прям капут
Мы нашли, вес — он бес
Всех подносит до небес
Братик что с тобою стало
Нах*й ты на шкаф залез
Грязно стало на палу
С колпака чистим залу
Тут прикол но мы не колим
После трёх идём в мобу
На чиле на чиле чил
Третий баф нас всех убил
Но на деле больше сил
Кто не понял тот дебил
По х*й на квадрты бро
Твой рот круг закрой его
Х*йни в зипе больше чем
У нас было до неё
Я лечу я самолёт
Навигатор мне не врёт
С*ка следом полетела
Ноздри разрывает лёд
Сладкий очень я как мёд
Паша Техник к нам идёт
Этот текст от силы может
Человек так пять поймёт

Скачать песню с телеграмма
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Просмотры 4

When singing your favorite songs, do you often get confused in words? Or maybe you want to play a song, but you don’t know its full content? Do you often find it difficult to find the lyrics of the songs you like? Did the found platforms give you incorrect content? Or are you one of the big fans of karaoke, but do not always have the opportunity to visit special places?

Our portal is a unique find and your best assistant in this matter. Our platform contains a huge amount of texts for the most popular and in-demand songs. We have developed this site especially for you, for all fans and not only! You no longer have to go out to public places to have a good time! Now you can enjoy singing right from home, and any other convenient and desirable place for you! From now on, you can arrange your karaoke evenings in the most unusual locations, alone with yourself, as well as with your loved ones. There is no more need to suffer, singing the words of your favorite songs at random. Using our platform, you will greatly simplify your life, and you will be able to find multiple lyrics for songs of various genres and times, from the oldest to the latest novelties.

The database of our platform contains a large number of texts of the best and most relevant compositions of all time. On our portal you can find contents of Russian, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Uzbek, Turkish, foreign, and even Ukrainian songs.
We regularly update our site with qualitatively selected materials, carefully checking the correctness of the content of the published texts.

Our platform is constantly updated, and thanks to its maximum functionality, it is very simple and convenient to use. You can easily find the content of any song you like using the search bar. You can also choose something new from the pre-made categories.

If you encounter any display problems or search problems while using our platform, etc., you can always contact us. A team of our qualified specialists will carefully study your appeal, and will definitely correct all the inconveniences that have arisen as soon as possible.

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